Rhodes Scholars
Every year, 32 Americans are selected as recipients of Rhodes Scholarships and move on to Great Britain to further their studies. In the last 50 years, about seven percent of those Rhodes Scholars have been Ivy League athletes.
Since the inception of the Ivy League 111 Ivy athletes have been named Rhodes Scholars. The accomplishments of these 93 men and 18 women are impressive. Princeton basketball player Bill Bradley is a former United States Senator, NBA Hall of Famer, and Olympic gold medalist. A. Michael Spence, who was one year behind Bradley at Princeton and played hockey, shared the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics.
The list goes on. From the world of politics, in addition to Bradley, Yale football and lacrosse player Kurt Schmoke was the mayor of Baltimore before becoming Dean of Howard Law School. Harvard football player Alan Bersin is the California Secretary of Education. Harvard basketball player Alison Muscatine was a Clinton White House speechwriter, and Columbia wrestler George Stephanopoulos was President Clinton's senior advisor before becoming host of ABC News' "This Week."
Harvard fencer Stanlake Samkange is a senior United Nations political affairs official. Dartmouth long jumper Jesse Spikes helped bring the 1996 Summer Olympics to Atlanta. Harvard lacrosse player Sarah Sewall influences government policy through her position as Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, where she also teaches.
Ivy athlete Rhodes Scholars are also prominent in the literary field. Penn basketball player John Edgar Wideman, who when named in 1963 was the first African-American Rhodes Scholar since Harvard's Alan Locke in 1908, is a best-selling author. Harvard golfer Stephen Bergman wrote "House of God," a best seller with more than two million copies sold that has been described by the British medical journal Lancet as one of the two most important medical novels of the 20th century. Princeton basketball player Richard Stengel is Managing Editor of Time magazine.
Does being an athlete help one become a Rhodes Scholar? The Rhodes will setting up the scholarship specifies "physical vigor, as shown by fondness for and success in sports," as a requirement. Surprisingly, the consensus seems to be that it doesn't help much. Princeton field hockey player Suzanne Perles, who in recent years has helped select Rhodes candidates, says "they want people who are healthy and active enough to lead productive lives. Athletics proves it, but everyone has their own interpretations."
Yale lacrosse player and current Columbia law professor Cathy Sharkey, who has also helped select Rhodes Scholars, says they want to see candidates "excelling in something," and suspects the committee who accepted her felt that "playing lacrosse feeds into leadership," Stephen Bergman, who won his Rhodes in 1965, says "in those days there was a beginning transition away from pure-bred 'jocks' -- I later heard rumors that some of the past Rhodes had left something to be desired in the Oxford academic don-dom." Even so, Bergman doesn't totally discount the sports connection, saying "I'm sure golf didn't hurt, though it was never mentioned in the interview."
Does choice of sport effect selection? Of the 111 Rhodes in the Ivy era the most heavily represented sport, with 19 Rhodes Scholars, is football, which isn't that surprising given the large number of players required to staff a team. But right behind football, with 17 Rhodes Scholars, is basketball, whose team size is hardly larger than a football team's offensive unit. If one wants to win a Rhodes one sport to avoid is baseball. There have been no baseball Rhodes' in the Ivy era, and one needs to go back to Dartmouth's Howland H. Sargeant in 1932 to find the most recent Ivy baseball representative.
Below is a list of Ivy League athletes who have earned Rhodes Scholarships. If you know more, please email us.
1923-Anderson, Troyer Steele (Dartmouth, Track & Field)
1995-Arjoon, Roger Warren (Yale, Squash)
1995-Babik, Jennifer (Princeton, Field Hockey, Softball)
2006-Backus, Kerriann (Brown, Cross Country)
1988-Bartkus, Viva (Yale, Volleyball)
1966-Bergman, Stephen Joseph (Harvard, Golf)
1968-Bersin, Alan Douglas (Harvard, Football)
1933-Billings, Frederick Tremaine (Princeton, Lacrosse, Football)
1911-Blake, Maurice Carey (Dartmouth, Football)
1971-Bogan, Willie Clyde (Dartmouth, Football)
1997-Boyda, Edward K. (Harvard, Golf)
1965-Bradley, William Warren (Princeton, Basketball)
1990-Brown, Christopher Leslie (Yale, Football)
1904-Brown, Jullius Arthur (Dartmouth, Football)
1975-Brown, Kenneth Charles (Cornell, Rowing)
1991-Brown, Stephen Phillip (Dartmouth, Rowing)
1931-Byles, Julius (Princeton, Football)
1967-Campion, Edward Winslow (Dartmouth, Lacrosse)
1922-Carey, William David P. (Cornell, Football)
1975-Carfagna, Peter Alphonso (Harvard, Football)
2004-Clemens, Daniel W. (Yale, Tennis)
1929-Cornsweet, Albert C. (Brown, Football)
2005-Crocker, Alison (Dartmouth, Skiing)
1979-Crowley, William C. (Yale, Football)
1984-Dangel, Stephanie Ann (Penn, Track & Field)
1990-Dechet, Andrew John (Princeton, Soccer)
2004-Dell, Melissa L. (Harvard, Track & Field)
1970-Dotson, Heyward Harrell (Columbia, Basketball)
1948-Douglas, John Woolman (Princeton, Football)
1988-Dreier, Alexander Edward (Harvard, Basketball)
1950-Drury, Francis Remington (Dartmouth, Skiing)
1950-Durning, Marvin Bresler (Dartmouth, Football)
1983-Fanestil, John Whitaker (Dartmouth, Volleyball)
1966-Filson, Charles Webb (Harvard, Basketball)
1979-Fine, Glenn Alan (Harvard, Basketball)
1977-Fournier, Daniel Edward (Princeton, Football)
1953-Garner, James Frederick (Yale, Football)
1971-Gogel, Donald Jay (Harvard, Lacrosse, Basketball)
1928-Goodwillie, Eugene William (Cornell, Track & Field)
1977-Grant, Robert Gourlay (Harvard, Soccer)
1974-Griffin, Brian Colvert (Harvard, Tennis)
1957-Hansen, Roger Dennis (Yale, Football)
1970-Hanson, Eric Cotter Thomas (Harvard, Swimming)
1948-Harr, Jr., Karl Gottlieb (Princeton, Football)
1965-Heineman, Jr., Benjamin Walter (Harvard, Basketball)
1992-Hessler, Peter Benjamin (Princeton, Track, Cross Country)
1970-Hicks, David Vern (Princeton, Rowing)
2004-Hill, Sarah J. (Harvard, Track & Field)
1959-Hill, Jr., Thomas English (Harvard, Football, Wrestling)
1988-Himes, James Andrew (Harvard, Rowing)
1973-Hughes, Owen Craig Bragdon (Dartmouth, Rowing)
1923-Jack, Raymond Hervey (Penn, Lacrosse, Track)
1974-Johnson, David Lawther (Harvard, Ice Hockey)
1994-Johnston, Alexander Murray (Harvard, Cross Country)
1953-Jones, Vincent Wendel (Dartmouth, Football)
1985-Kasevich, Mark Adams (Dartmouth, Swimming)
1951-Keniston, Kenneth (Harvard, Rowing)
1960-Keyes, Jr., Langley Carleton (Harvard, Lacrosse)
1977-Kloske, Dennis (Harvard, Soccer)
1997-Koutsoukos, Demetras (Harvard, Rowing)
1980-Lawrence, Gary Martin (Yale, Ice Hockey)
1926-Lingelbach, Jr., William E. (Penn, Soccer, Tennis, Football)
1984-MacLeod, John Malcolm (Harvard, Skiing)
1985-Madsen, Jr., Robert Ashley (Harvard, Track & Field)
1991-Marci, Carl David (Columbia, Track & Field)
1960-Maynes, Jr., Charles William (Harvard, Basketball)
1975-McCaffery, Michael Gerard (Princeton, Swimming)
1968-McCallum, Jr., Robert Davis (Yale, Basketball)
1965-McClung, Merle Steven (Harvard, Basketball)
1976-McGuire, James Joseph (Yale, Basketball)
1907-McLane, John Roy (Dartmouth, Baseball, Football, Tennis)
1948-McLane, Malcolm (Dartmouth, Skiing)
1950-McQuade, Lawrence Carroll (Yale, Football)
1969-Menaker, Richard Glen (Columbia, Tennis)
1934-Michelet, Robert H. (Dartmouth, Football, Track)
1992-Millay, Todd Martin (Dartmouth, Rowing)
2005-Miller, Jeff (Princeton, Basketball)
1951-Moore, John Lovell (Harvard, Track & Field)
1988-Muirhead, J. Russel (Harvard, Skiing)
1949-Munroe, George Barber (Dartmouth, Basketball)
2004-Murphy, Tucker (Dartmouth, Skiing, Rowing)
1977-Muscatine, Alison (Harvard, Basketball, Tennis)
1959-Nelson, Bryce Eames (Harvard, Basketball)
1971-Neville, Thomas B. (Yale, Football)
1976-Newhouse, George Baxton (Harvard, Football)
1974-Oristaglio, Michael Lewis (Yale, Basketball)
1991-Pallesen, Edward Sysel (Harvard, Rowing)
1926-Parker, Nathan Kuhns (Dartmouth, Football, Track)
1975-Peisch, Christopher Lyons (Dartmouth, Track, Cross Country)
1976-Perles, Suzanne (Princeton, Field Hockey)
1967-Peters, Charles (Princeton, Football)
1973-Petkevich, John Misha (Harvard, Figure Skating)
1926-Pfann, George Roberts (Cornell, Football, Lacrosse)
1959-Post Jr., Gaines (Cornell, Rowing)
1971-Raines, Franklin Delano (Harvard, Basketball)
2005-Randera-Rees, Yusef (Harvard, Tennis)
1973-Rexer, Lyle Clift (Columbia, Swimming)
1969-Saba, Paul Francis (Harvard, Football)
1995-Sabot, Diana Mairin (Dartmouth, Skiing, Rowing)
1960-Sachs, Daniel Martin (Princeton, Football)
1986-Saint John (Deane), Bonnie Lee (Harvard, Skiing)
1982-Samkange, Stanlake M. (Harvard, Fencing)
1932-Sargeant, Howland H. (Dartmouth, Baseball)
1980-Schatz, David Gillman (Yale, Squash, Lacrosse)
1971-Schmoke, Kurt Lidell (Yale, Football, Lacrosse)
1904-Schutt, Warren Ellis (Cornell, Track, Cross Country)
1980-Sellers, Mortimer Newlin (Harvard, Track & Field)
1984-Sewall, Sarah Buckeley (Harvard, Lacrosse)
1988-Seybold, John Lorne Campbell (Harvard, Nordic Skiing)
2003-Shackelton, Laura A. (Princeton, Track & Field)
2005-Shaheen, Brett (Penn, Squash)
1992-Sharkey, Catherine Moira (Yale, Lacrosse)
1956-Siler, Arthur Grant (Harvard, Track & Field)
1984-Simon, John Gregory (Harvard, Tennis)
1978-Smith, Frederick Theodore (Harvard, Wrestling)
1965-Smith, Michael Edward (Princeton, Football)
1922-Snow, Royall Henderson (Harvard, Fencing)
1929-Spaeth, Carl Bernhardt (Dartmouth, Baseball)
1965-Spence, A. Michael (Princeton, Ice Hockey)
1972-Spikes, Jesse James (Dartmouth, Track & Field)
1977-Stengel, Richard Allen (Princeton, Basketball)
1984-Stephanopoulos, George R. (Columbia, Wrestling)
1957-Stewart, Michael MacCracken (Princeton, Football)
1976-Stone, Alfred Douglas (Harvard, Soccer)
1958-Stromberg, Jackson Caflin (Dartmouth, Track & Field)
1913-Taber, Norman Stephen (Brown, Track & Field)
2003-Tandon, Prateek (Yale, Tennis)
1972-Tatrallyay, Geza Paul (Harvard, Fencing)
1977-Thal, Denise Ann (Harvard, Basketball, Tennis)
1964-Thomas, Bruce Richard (Harvard, Lacrosse)
1956-Thompson, Clifford Fritz (Harvard, Fencing)
1984-Thompson, Roosevelt Levander (Yale, Football)
1993-Ticktin, Miriam Iris (Princeton, Swimming)
1997-Trancik, Jessika Ebba (Cornell, Tennis, Skiing)
1976-Tu, Lawrence P. (Harvard, Fencing)
1973-Valenzuela, Terence David (Harvard, Fencing)
1970-Viita, Paul Sears (Harvard, Fencing)
1967-Wagenseil, Harris (Dartmouth, Track & Field)
2004-Wagner, Rachael A. (Harvard, Skiing)
1933-Walker, Owen Franklin (Brown, Football)
1990-Warren, Michael James (Yale, Track & Field)
2004-Wells, Christopher W. (Yale, Soccer)
1963-Wideman, John Edgar (Penn, Basketball)
1968-Williamson, Thomas Samuel (Harvard, Football)
1964-Wood, Peter Hutchins (Harvard, Lacrosse)
1910-Worthen, Joseph Washburn (Dartmouth, Football)
1977-Yasunaga, Milton Minoru (Harvard, Wrestling)
Note: Robin Patsey of the Ivy League Office spearheaded the creation of this list
— Stephen Eschenbach